Monday, May 18, 2020

Madeleine Albright Free Essay Example, 1000 words

In the tenure, Madeleine Albright achieved several goals ranging from a certificate in Russian, Master of Arts and a PhD with her thesis on Soviet diplomatic corps and her doctoral dissertation on the role of journalists in the Prague Spring of 1968 begin her sell point (Murrin et al, 2010, 7). Moreover, Madeleine graduated from a course organized by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who later became her boss at U. S National Security Council. Career and Accomplishment Madeleine Albright career life during the Republican Administrations of President Ronald Reagan and George Bush was quite involving especially in the 1980’s and early 90’s allowing her to work in various organization. According to Hightower-Langton (2002, 86) her involvement in the local democracy increased her popularity and knowledge in policy making increasing her influential in Washington D. C. besides, her skills in international affairs acquired from Georgetown University from 1982 to 1993. Madeleine career growth was simultaneously as she rose from one level to another however, her star in the career sector started to shine after the election of President Bill Clinton as a democrat in 1992 (Sundem, 2014, 43). We will write a custom essay sample on Madeleine Albright or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Madeleine later was named ambassador to the United Nation in 1993 by Bill Clinton, the President that saw her earn lots of respect and fame because she was vocal as well as frontal on increasing the role of the United States in the UN operations, especially those with great association to the military components. The position was essential as it assisted in the creation of her valuable reputation earned after her work and people perceptive as tough and good advocate for supporting American interests (Felice, 2015, 5). These made easy her nomination to the position of Secretary of State by the senate in 1997. Historical research done by Murrin et al (2010, 12) indicates that Madeleine Albright is the first female Secretary of State to became, during that time the very first high-ranking woman in the history of the U. S government in 1997. Dr. Albright has been very instrumental in promoting and defending human rights, labor, business and an environmental standards abroad encouraging member participation. Furthermore, Dr. Albright is the first Michael and Virginia Mortara Endowed Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy at Georgetown Universitys School of Foreign Service (Sundem, 2014, 42). Madeleine Albright has chaired both the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs and the Pew Global Attitudes Project and served as president of the Truman Scholarship Foundation.

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